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[In regards to a Scientology pamphlet being read on the express train]

Sarah Scribner

                                                           Science Fiction Fact:Seventy % of Life is Work

                                                                                   (in fact) 100 percent 

                                                                             Considering Choices:Made

                                                                                          Make a Life


Scientology pamphlet being read by one on downtown trains reads, "70 percent of life is work" this is something to beg to differ. 100 percent of life is work because it is a constant choice to meet what society has set. Absurdities have been picked up as tactics to get away with the lack of self regulation to the rules we set. To avoid a static state live well within the ways we have built to remain recreating. Noting that unless you are not learning everyday from the accumulation of actives you are participating in then you are living in a Scientological State of 70 percent or known in academia as, the letter C. 

Thom Scribner

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