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Choo Explanations

Shoes Lou Choo$

Choo Explanations

Sarah Scribner

To Whom We Are Concerned:

Beliefs are portrayed on the basis of consumer habitudes. What we consume defines. The value of our time is derived from the productivity of our paws&mind. Currency comes in numerous forms. From the detail of the soles of your shoes, shoes walking by me on the street say something before we meet. The ideologies that you prescribe to, what is prescribed by others; becomes the trend of the tribe. Even if the soles do not wear evenly, beliefs are worn openly for me to see who will be a sucker for a pup like me. 

Sincerely Yours,

Mister Lou

p.s. the following are shoes I would totally choo

a chooed shoe&lou

a chooed shoe&lou

Thom Scribner

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