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Mister Lou


Sarah Scribner

Q, quite quaintly is not a letter I want to quip with on the quotidian. 

Q-Tip on the other hand, is well welcome to walk me any day. Always wanted to be in a Tribe that goes on


Just a tip my friends, I prefer Cotton Buds to other products that corner you at // on the market.


Cotton Buds are like friends who help you reach, 

when you can't quite fetch what you are quipping about.

&My answer allows me to introduce:


ps: unlike a certain pharmacy named by corners we cross, I can go inside this store, so do explore, you might find me, inside the door, pretending I am in flight to Japan, I hear I would be big there.

ps: unlike a certain pharmacy named by corners we cross, I can go inside this store, so do explore, you might find me, inside the door, pretending I am in flight to Japan, I hear I would be big there.

Thom Scribner

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