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Mister Lou

Lou's Weekend List

Sarah Scribner

You know me, I’m just walking for the weekend so hear me whine then or read my to do list on a Wednesday...cause the dog days of summer don’t linger much past September.
— Mister Lou
  1. Play with children during story time, the reading to be: "Hal,The Hampton's Hound", I need to unwind my leash after a long week.
  2. Late night walk by the beach before I hit the [dog] bed.
  3. A session on Saturday with my trainer, I admit I haven't been on my best behavior. 
  4. Sunday stroll with the ladies on Job's lane before we picnic. To pick up something scrumptious &this piece at Skiffington's is sure to be a hit, just don't put a sandwich from The Golden Pear in it:


Find Marie Turnor Picnic Bags at Skiffington's on Job's Lane in South Hampton, NY

Find Marie Turnor Picnic Bags at Skiffington's on Job's Lane in South Hampton, NY

Thom Scribner

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