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Shoes Lou Choo$

Investment Piece

Sarah Scribner

Only the weight of her shoes, it seemed, held her to the ground.
— Lawrence Durrell
A page from Balthazar by Lawrence Durrell If you need a good read, visit Hullabaloo Books, click the image above for details.  

A page from Balthazar by Lawrence Durrell 

If you need a good read, visit Hullabaloo Books, click the image above for details. 


Mister  Durrel, 

I wish you would have described what these shoes looked like.  I have been wandering around wondering all week which shoes weigh enough to hold feet to the ground. As I see shoes made, meant to move feet faster. I supose these are for cases of emergency.  You invented shoes to keep one grounded. Clever idea, might be something to invest in. 

Looking forward to learning about these shoes.  

Best Regards,

Mister Lou

P.S. I have some other investment pieces we should discuss over a good lunch bone, I'll order from Hank's! 2 o'clock Thursday at My Dog House.  Let me know won't you?

Thom Scribner

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