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Shoes Lou Choo$

Lou's (Fairy) Tail

Sarah Scribner

Once upon a time there was a Canine in the streets of Chelsea his name was Mister Lou. 

All the Canines in Chelsea look at the shoes which take them to the streets.

Mister Lou if liked what was worn would wait&bark a polite, "Hello!" before palling about with the other on leash.

This was when they would overhear how old they were&how wonderful they behave. 

Lou knew that this is what they all said. 

He could also see that the bitches did not like to have their dog years given away.

Walkers sometimes would give Lou an ear rub before friends would have to part ways&bark, "Will you be at the (dog)park this weekend?" 

"If these shoes walk me there!" Lou would yelp. 

Mister Lou loved to be off leash&always hoped he would be taken to where Happily Ever Afters begin.

Charlotte Olympia Fairy Tale Shoes

Charlotte Olympia Fairy Tale Shoes

Thom Scribner

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