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Anger of Birds:Alleviated

Sarah Scribner

The birds are not angry in Mexico CIty. In fact they are quite content. In Parque Viveros you can receive a tree for free to ensure that the altitude combined with population driving in pollution has enough oxygen. It also gives the birds a place to be. Of course the birds are everywhere in Mexico. They do not just sit on trees, they are worn on t-shirts which are perfect attire for the musical that hair was conditioned to soothe split ends for a date which made&kept in an agenda that later their would be cake. During the show fruit snacks had to be snacked as sneaking them in next to your keychain in the sack is what the makers of the application in Finland would love to see. Angry Bird Application, take over to the extreme, how far some game of sling shots took the brand to be. Lighting up the room no longer just on an iPhone, birds became candles for night, perhaps during bubble bath time. In the morning with socks on feet, up in the air on a kite they meet the trees. No longer angry are these birds, because they are not free.


Birds, Sally Fuerst, Oil On Canvas 

Birds, Sally Fuerst, Oil On Canvas 

Thom Scribner

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