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Shoes Lou Choo$

3 In 1

Sarah Scribner

I suppose these should go by the curtains you took from Grandma’s. That way you won’t

have to justify why.

They will just blend in. But I see why, these work right into all of our favorite foot wear options:

Deconstructed Boots, Laced Up Pumps, isnt’t this just a darling Ankle Bootie with

a real Secure Sole?

Think Fall Florals just as you are buying Winter Pastels in anticiapation of Spring Light even though

we are still waiting for the First Frost.

Well I have barked enough about 3 in 1, there is always away to zip up:::lets go!
— Mister Lou
Mary Katrantzou Roush Diaz Bootie Electra Spring Summer '14 

Mary Katrantzou Roush Diaz Bootie Electra Spring Summer '14 

Thom Scribner

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