Lou Got A Letter
Sarah Scribner
Dear Lou,
Life in the country is fun. I go in the woods. I see lots of wild things. I spent some time this summer pracicing tennis ball. Now that It is getting cold I like to stay close to the fire.
It is the little pleasures in life. Speaking of small things, some small things are scary. Such as ticks! If you came here I am sure they would bite you cause you are sweet. After they bite you you have to eat this this medicine, that is not sweet. Lucky for me my human mixed the medicine with Doggie Shotz. Now when I smell them eating Bacon and Eggs I don't have to leave my bowl and beg, cause I can taste it too! Remember that time we stole BBQ Baby Back Ribs? Now it gets mixed right in to dinner, and I don't feel sick cause I went into the trash. I can sniff out that my human makes better food than yours now, so you should come visit me soon!
How are you, what is new Lou?
Your dog for life,
Voldemort, Mister Lou's Penpal