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Sarah Scribner

Yoga:Practice to follow words to progress into motion as the definitive aspect of this activity is to propel thought into motion. As words follow words&the execution of thought creates tangible results.

Without procrastination of movement from what is in mind we can define through practice.

Out west, there is a new core chick in the yoga community in Los Angeles. Laura originally of the New York State of Mind brings her talent to the coast with private sessions&mentoring of the vegan lifestyle she shares with her work. Founding KōR&Karma has allowed Laura to gain a following in Southern California's fitness&wellness community by offering donation classes at the beach to help her clients achieve her mantra, "keep it tight, keep it right!" as they work their figures for the big screen. The visible results of her practice drive those to her as they realize the luck to be learning from an up and coming force in the Los Angeles celebrity fitness scene.


Thom Scribner

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