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To Find Power


To Find Power

Sarah Scribner

The experience of time being spent as opposed to time slipping, changes the mentality and performance of the act of exertion. For an athlete the proportion of time spent preparing&performing are different. Training leading up to performance, the idea that practice makes perfect changes. During sport, the ability to adapt creatively to the pressure of judgement defines. When time is slipping, as it does on the Power Plate, it forces focus to create a different experience for the athlete.

For users that Power Plate to stay in shape or tone up, quickly, it reminds; we are losing time to slim down thus we should fill up our plates to have power. ​Giving the mind a reminder to be mindful while choosing a post workout snack, contributes to healthful success. 

power plate:time counts down

makes it seem supreme 

to spending time on another machine watching the time:spent 

moving without physically going

point to point 

working our way out of everything going on:plate to find power 


Thom Scribner

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