Sarah Scribner
Balancing on one foot, pushing the other foot against pavement to glide across a distance before repeating the step.
The rhythm as you progress forward. There is a thrill to your thought process as you wonder, "could this really be exertion?"
Switching legs to work both sides. Keeping centered, acknowledging your core then kicking once again to gain momentum. Is this a fun method of squatting? Not quite but it is transportive and when done thoughtfully can be toning.
There was a period of my life, post Munich Munchies, preparing to move back to New York CIty from Geneva, Switzerland where I needed to shape up. Inspired by the calories some cited they burned via my google search, I took to the streets to engage in child's play.
Razor scootering is not quite something you want to be spotted doing. That being said, if you are a middle aged man, please, just don't.
It is a guilty pleasure. Not on trend such as the other two-wheeled exercise, cycling. I will admit that. I will also admit at this point in time to wearing attire from Gap Kids. Sometimes from the 90's.
The effect is everything as we know the extremes of today's methods and workout options. When I was dedicated to this, recess, the results were evident.
I would probably not also want a sweet with my last coffee of the day if I did more of this. Taking a trotinet tour of town is sweet enough. This is an activity that leaves me inspired.
Sometimes simple is the solution. Finding fun, going forward, being less consumed by daily concerns and just balancing.
Roberto Razor Scooter & I in the Plainpalais neighborhood of Geneva, Switzerland