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Shoes Lou Choo$


Sarah Scribner

These shoes are what I imagine was 2006:I was not yet apart of the litter but legs lead up to skirts that were barely there &so it began:::

In morning the shoes came home.

They said it smelled like 2006, that it sounded like 2006, an evening even tasted like 2006?

What happened in 2006?

Prerecession recess of young adults, no mundane Manhattan nights during summer weekday nights &the shoes proved it:::


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Pencil Plans

Sarah Scribner

Won't you please pencil me in for a walk in by the park, when you wear these on a date scheduled for two yet you plan to be late even though dinners at eight? 

Sincerely Yours,

Mister Lou



Sport Shoes?

Sarah Scribner

Bowling for Sport? Bowling for Soup? Are these permitted on the alley way?

Would it save1from a night of rentals&keep feet in line with team stripes? 

What can a Canine do but Choo?  

Let me know, won't you?

Sincerely Yours, 

Mister Lou  

ps: certainly shoes to choo are designed locally by the (water)bowl


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Parade of Boots

Sarah Scribner

Sunday discussions at the Dog Park of Union news was well spread of an Island where no one Governs. It was said to be a Ball. A parade of boots passed me by in the streets, those who wore Converses Cemented, models in mud loved more the boot baths after Hunting for shorts to pair with Wellies which work well to see music after rain falls. 


Sarah Scribner

These ran by, I felt dislexed, is it 2007 or 2002? Perhaps Zoot or I saw Loot.

Either way neon on nudes is going by quickly. 

Sincerely Yours,

Mister Lou

Choo Explanations

Sarah Scribner

To Whom We Are Concerned:

Beliefs are portrayed on the basis of consumer habitudes. What we consume defines. The value of our time is derived from the productivity of our paws&mind. Currency comes in numerous forms. From the detail of the soles of your shoes, shoes walking by me on the street say something before we meet. The ideologies that you prescribe to, what is prescribed by others; becomes the trend of the tribe. Even if the soles do not wear evenly, beliefs are worn openly for me to see who will be a sucker for a pup like me. 

Sincerely Yours,

Mister Lou

p.s. the following are shoes I would totally choo

a chooed shoe&lou

a chooed shoe&lou

Thom Scribner

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